All Shook Up by MissAnn    Rated: PG (Reviews - 0)
Summary: (This is a story I wrote about a year ago... I thought I would dust the cobwebs off of it and post it again. ) Ed judges and Elvis Look-A-Like Competition, Danny and Mike investigate a potential health scare at the Montecito, and offers are made to two of the Montecito employees.
Categories: Cast/Multi-Character
Characters: Danny, Delinda, Ed, Mary, Mike, Mitch, Nessa, Sam
Genres: Humor, General, Drama, Angst    Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7    Completed: Yes    Word count: 11431
Published: 12/29/2005    Updated: 01/13/2006    
Scattered by kitten4979    Rated: PG-13 (Reviews - 1)
Summary: Set approximately five years after the S4 finale, Mary, Danny, Sam, and Mike scatter across the world, only to be brought back to Las Vegas when tragedy strikes.
Categories: Cast/Multi-Character
Characters: Danny, Danny, Ed, Ed, Mary, Mary, Mike, Mike, Mitch, Mitch, Sam, Sam
Genres: General    Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 8    Completed: No    Word count: 11125
Published: 03/25/2007    Updated: 05/04/2008    
The Wedding by kitten4979    Rated: G (Reviews - 0)
Summary: Short and sweet - Danny and Mary finally get married
Categories: Danny and Mary
Characters: Danny, Delinda, Ed, Jillian, Mary, Mike, Mitch, Sam
Genres: Romance, General    Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5    Completed: Yes    Word count: 2009
Published: 12/11/2005    Updated: 12/11/2005