
We're back!
Posted on 11/17/2022 10:12 pm by Gerbil

After a few years of not working, the fanfiction archive is accessible again. There are parts that are buggy, and I'll try to get as much of it fixed as possible in time. That said, it took some php and mysql voodoo to make this run again, so I'm just happy with that. Happy reading, everyone!


Welcome to the Waiting fanfiction archive. The pairing of Danny McCoy and Mary Connell on NBC's Las Vegas has inspired a great many fans to try their hand at putting their own spin on this classic love story by writing fanfiction. With this archive, we are aiming to provide a place for these authors to showcase their hard work.

Site Stats

We are the home of 20 authors from among our 60 members. There have been 30 reviews written about our 99 stories consisting of 580 chapters and 1057646 words. A special welcome to our newest member, denismarin1.

Fanfiction Categories

Random Story

My Funny Valentine by kitten4979 G
My take on the Valentine's Day one shot challenge


Take me home by JJR PG
Danny and Mary.. will they ever get together. Can Mary let her guard down to let Danny back in?