Warnings: Adult Situations
Before It's Too Late by Mandy    Rated: PG-13 (Reviews - 0)
Summary: After a drunken night together, Danny and Mary try to figure things out.
Categories: One-Shot Challenges, Danny and Mary
Characters: None
Genres: General, Romance    Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 2    Completed: Yes    Word count: 5913
Published: 12/03/2007    Updated: 12/08/2007    
Fall To Pieces by Rach    Rated: R (Reviews - 2)
Summary: This is my version of Season 4
Categories: Danny and Mary
Characters: None
Genres: Angst, Romance    Warnings: Adult Situations, Adult/Strong Language, Gratuitous Sex/Smut, Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 1    Completed: No    Word count: 1260
Published: 07/27/2007    Updated: 07/30/2007    
Mary's Secret by Nessa    Rated: R (Reviews - 0)
Summary: Danny cheats on Delinda with Mary and has one night together and there is consquences. Mary doesn't want to get in the way of the relationship so she keeps her secret and moves leaving Danny and the gang wondering why she suddenly left. Danny wonders if he made a mistake in letting Mary go. He also wonders where she went of to
Categories: Danny and Mary
Characters: Danny, Danny, Emily, Emily
Genres: Suspense    Warnings: Adult Situations
Series: None
Chapters: 1    Completed: No    Word count: 1032
Published: 08/09/2007    Updated: 08/23/2007